FORT BELVOIR, VA, August 20, 2014 – In a series of continuing wins for Detroit-based distributed power innovator ZeroBase Energy, the company won a recent bid to supply a number of towable mobile power systems to Fort Belvoir, a major US Army installation in Fairfax County, Virginia. Those systems, ZeroBase T-Series platforms, have been field-tested by the US Army in multiple capacities, and in several instances been fielded in forward operating bases and expeditionary operations. Now, the T-Series is serving on the home front.
With nearly twice as many workers as the Pentagon, Fort Belvoir is the single largest employer in Fairfax County, and the support infrastructure needed to maintain those 50,000-plus workers draws significantly from local power grids. ZeroBase will therefore be providing several of the company’s proprietary T-Series systems to mitigate this draw with solar generation. As a trusted supplier to the US military for more than five years, ZeroBase is dedicated to reducing the military’s reliance on diesel fuel and other non-renewable forms of generation both overseas and at home.
ZeroBase is the leading innovator in renewable and hybrid distributed power products, specializing in remote off-grid systems that deliver power to some of the most rugged locations on the planet. ZeroBase solutions reduce the cost and risk of fossil fuel dependence for government and commercial customers, including the U.S. Department of Defense. Visit ZeroBase for more information.